The reason your submission was rejected. Do not include Social Security numbers in emails. Please include the form number, receipt number, petitioner and/or applicant name, and mailing address. If you have a question about a filing mailed to the Chicago, Dallas, Phoenix, or Elgin Lockbox you may email us at we will answer your email as soon as possible. If you do not receive a response within this timeframe, or if you believe the response you received was incorrect, you may contact the USCIS Contact Center to have your inquiry elevated. If you contacted the USCIS Contact Center about a case at one of the USCIS Service Centers or the NBC and they sent a service request to the center processing your case, you should receive a response within 30 days (15 days for expedited requests). The service centers and the NBC do not provide in-person assistance with questions about your case. The National Benefits Center (NBC) processes cases with receipt numbers starting with MSC and NBC*, but it is not a USCIS Service Center. The Service Center Operations Directorate (SCOPS) has five service centers (California, Nebraska, Texas, Vermont, and Potomac) that process and adjudicate certain immigration applications and petitions.
Depending on what information we need to respond to your request, we may forward a service request to the office that is processing your case. If you have tried our tools and still need help, you may submit an online case inquiry or call to the USCIS Contact Center. If you have a question about your case, you may use our convenient online tools.